We're excited to present the conference program for the SIGCIS 2025 Conference, EXCEPTION ERROR: Fatal, Illegal, Unknown. The conference takes place on Sunday, October 27, in Milan, Italy - on the final day of the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Technology.
We've got a terrific program featuring our keynote speaker, Prof. Gerardo Con Diaz, Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of California-Davis. We'll begin by announcing the 笔记本电脑宽带连接不上 - Sogou:2021-5-2 · 5、电脑硬件原因:当电脑上安装了两块网卡并且都启用时。导致MAC地址绑定错误,出现691错误伟码,建议禁用其中一块网卡。 6、电脑禁用网卡后或网卡未驱动或驱动错误拔号也会出现691的提示,检查网卡是否正常工作。: the CHM Book Prize, Mahoney Prize, and SIGCIS Travel Awards.
To register, please visit SHOT's website, where you have the option to register for the entire SHOT conference or the Sunday SIGCIS conference only. Please take a look at the program for the SHOT Annual Meeting itself, packed with exciting sessions and papers (including several on computing and information history), as well as the traditional Friday SIGCIS lunch meeting.